📗How Staking works?

When users stake, the funds are then privately lent out to a top 10 casino worldwide. Our investors have entered into a private partnership with this casino that lasts until 2025. Up until GRABIT, staking has only been accessible to our investors.

When the staked SOL is sent to the Casino, the money is used in all non-gambling aspects of the Casino. This means our funds will NEVER be gambled to provide our returns. The staked money is used to generate revenue from in house chip exchanges and by providing liquidity for the house. The Casino then shares a portion of their profits back to us and we distribute those profits to our stakers through SOL.

Staking happens in 45 day cycles. For example, staking that opens up on February 8th will be released on March 24th. New cycles will open up every 10 days, Feb 8th, 18th, 28th... Upon completion of a staking cycle, stakers will be able to claim their yields on our website.

Where does the money go?

When staking begins all the SOL staked on our platform is transferred to one of the Casino agents wallet address. After 45 days the staked SOL + rewards is then returned back to our original address.

Last updated